Our History
Our investment approach is centered on proprietary research and a structured, formalized, and replicable investment process developed over more than two decades.
Technology has been at the forefront of the firm and remains today at the core of Varenne's DNA.
In addition to the added value of the investment team and research, Varenne has ensured the excellence of its operational infrastructure, risk management, and compliance departments.
Special attention is given to our partners and investors through a dedicated Investor Relations team.
Varenne Capital Partners is authorized and regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (‘AMF’).

Key Milestones in Varenne's History
Varenne Capital Partners is Founded
Current management team established Varenne Capital Partners with the mission to provide high-performing investment solutions applying private equity techniques to public markets.
AMF Registration
Varenne Capital Partners obtains its AMF accreditation, the French market regulator. Registration number: GP-06000004.
Launch of Professional Investor Funds
Highly concentrated funds focused on our top ideas.
Launch of the Merger Arbitrage Framework
Deployment of a comprehensive framework with replicable methodologies, structured processes, a proprietary environment, and a dedicated team.
Launch of the Tail Risk Hedging Framework
After more than 3 years of R&D, deployment of a dedicated framework looking to hedge against extreme market events.
Introduction of the new DOI Tool
Development of the finalized version of the internal proprietary tool focusing on the behavioral component with the official launch of the ‘Dealing of Insiders’ database with our internal software.
Creation of the First Module Combining Fundamental and Behavioral Factors
BQL Team is officially formalized and independent.
Deployment of the Short Equity Framework
Following years of research and development, the formalized framework is launched with its repeatable and structured process.
Signature of the UN PRIs
Varenne Capital Partners signs the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.
SFDR Article 8
All our European law-compliant funds are officially classified SFDR Article 8.
Celebration of 20 Years of Excellence
Celebrating our 20th anniversary, marking two decades of innovation and success in the asset management industry.
Launch of a Long Only Fund and a Long/Short Fund
Following years of investor demand, we now allow investors the opportunity to decide their desired target exposure within the Varenne ecosystem and expertise.

Corporate Social Environmental Responsibility